Saturday, January 1, 2011

Creating Characters with Aïcha Funk

All Round Talent Aïcha Funk has been my collaborator since long, as dramaturg & model.  In my Egyptian creation Molahazat Ly Leia (Cairo Nightnotes) she was also performing live on stage multilingual lullabies.  Most recently Aïcha created the make-up in my Logo (on top of this blog).  

In 2009 Aïcha Funk stood model for many female characters in my long-term writing-project Mirror Storm, in which I express my ideas about modern identity.

In this portraits we were seeking for different styles of how the Mirror Storm - characters would look.  My camera became a spectrum of all Aïcha Funk's qualities, while she showed me her personal and nostalgic interpretations of the women in my manuscript.   

Mirror in Mirror


Portrait of Aïcha as her Mother


Mata Hari

About me

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Earthly Astronaut + Theatre Initiator + Metamorphotographer + Global Activist + Story Collector + Mythmaker + Maskings & Feathercraft = A part of me.